Hispanic Chamber director to join DNews | Buzz Blog
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Hispanic Chamber director to join DNews


The director of the Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will change roles this month as the newest senior editor at the Deseret News to oversee a braoder coverage of "minority issues and hispanic issues."
Patricia Quijano Dark is the wife of City Weekly senior writer Stephen Dark.
Quijano Dark says the DNews may "expand" coverage of minority issues.
"Generally the Deseret News wants to expand its coverage of minority issues and hispanic issues, so I will be there to be sure that gets done," she said. "And we're looking to do some study of how the coverage is going and what we can do to improve it."
Quijano Dark's background is in journalism. She worked as editor of Argentina's Clarín, the largest Spanish-language newspaper in the world. 

Before joining the Chamber, Quijano Dark worked for Utah's weekly Spanish-language newspaper Mundo HispanoQuijano Dark in September was named National Chamber Executive of the Year in the region by the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. The Utah Hispanic Chamber was named National Medium Hispanic Chamber of the Year. "I'm leaving on a good note," she said.